Prior Lake-Savage Area Schools Earns International Recognition for Excellence in Budget Presentation
Prior Lake-Savage Area Schools (PLSAS) is proud to announce that it has received the prestigious Meritorious Budget Award (MBA) from the Association of School Business Officials International (ASBO) for the 2024–2025 fiscal year. This honor reflects the district’s unwavering commitment to fiscal transparency and excellence in budget presentation.
This marks the district’s first submission for the MBA, a program that recognizes school districts worldwide for developing high-quality budget documents that meet rigorous international standards.
ASBO International’s MBA program is designed to promote excellence in school budget presentation while equipping districts with tools and expert feedback to improve their budgeting processes. Budget documents submitted are reviewed by a panel of school financial professionals for compliance with strict criteria, ensuring accessibility, accuracy and clarity for district stakeholders.
“Presenting a budget that is both accessible and accurate is crucial for school districts to clearly communicate and build trust with their communities,” explains Jim Rowan, CAE, SFO, ASBO International Executive Director. “The Meritorious Budget Award program provides districts with the resources and tools to do just that, and the districts that receive the award are recognized for their commitment to upholding internationally recognized budget presentation standards.”
“This award is a testament to our team’s hard work and dedication to ensuring that our budget reflects both transparency and accuracy,” said Tammy Fredrickson, PLSAS Executive Director of Business Services. “We are proud to share this international recognition with our community and remain committed to strong financial practices that support our students and schools.”
PLSAS is honored to be recognized for this achievement, which underscores its dedication to responsible financial stewardship and transparent communication with the community.
To learn more about the MBA program, visit View the district’s award-winning budget presentation on our website here.