At Prior Lake-Savage Area Schools, our mission is to inspire and empower each student to reach their full potential.
We are committed to differentiating instruction to meet the individual learning needs of each student, implementing innovative programs that benefit our E-12 population and using technology to enhance learning.
We are recognized as leaders in Environmental Education (EE). Our award-winning programs have been modeled by school districts throughout the state and country. Our program is unique in that EE is embedded into the core curriculum. This is a major component to the success of the program, which results in students who learn to become critical thinkers and approach problem solving by studying multiple perspectives.
Our vision is guided by the district’s Strategic Plan, which includes the following focus areas:
- Increasing measurable student growth and achievement.
- Continuing financial accountability to the community while using available resources to educate students and maintain class-size targets
- Expanding innovative programming to meet family needs
- Expanding and embedding environmental focus across the district
- Integrating technology for teaching and communications; increasing capacity to set standards for all learners using 21st century skills
- Engaging parents, families and the community to strengthen a culture of respect and inclusion
The Teaching and Learning Advisory Committee ensures active community participation in planning and improving instruction and curriculum.
Elementary Assessment, Grading & Reporting
Contact Us
Jennie Akerstrom Zumbusch, Ph. D
Director of Assessment & Improvement
(952) 226-0078
Michelle Cuka
Director of Student Support Services
(952) 226-0033
Dan Edwards, Ed. D.
Executive Director of Academic Services
(952) 226-0031
Marcus Milazzo
Director of Technology
(952) 226-0061
Sam Ouk
Director of Equity and Inclusion
(952) 226-0071
Lisa Kraft
Administrative Assistant to Assessment and Equity
(952) 226-0070
Dani Kleist
Administrative Assistant to Department of Learning, Achievement & Innovation
(952) 226-0055