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Impact if the levy is not approved by voters

If the operating levy is not approved, the district is projected to have a budget shortfall in the 2025-26 school year and beyond, resulting in the need to make significant annual budget reductions, which are likely to include the following:

  • Closing one or more elementary schools resulting in boundary changes.

  • Increase in class sizes.

  • Reduction in staffing and personnel expenditures across the district resulting in reduced services and student supports.

  • Move MNCAPS to a district facility.

  • Reduce programs for students including:
    Limit Spanish Immersion to K-5 only
    Reduce secondary electives
    Reduce Laker Online staffing
    Eliminate middle school activities
    Eliminate MNCAPS pathway(s)

  • Reduce student access to educational technology.

  • Increase fees for community facility use.

  • Close pool at Twin Oaks.