Testing Information
Exam Location
Exams will be held on-site in the Blue Gym at Prior Lake High School with the exception of the AP German exam. The location of the AP German exam is to be determined. Students testing with accommodations will receive specific instructions on where to report on the day of their scheduled exam(s).
Exam Start Times
Morning Exams
General exam instructions will begin at 7:50 a.m. The exam-specific instructions will begin at 8 a.m.
Afternoon Exams
General instructions will begin at 11:50, with exam-specific instructions at noon.
Students will not be allowed to enter the testing room once exam-specific instructions have begun. If a student misses an exam due to arriving late, the student may request an alternate exam during the late-testing window but will be charged an additional fee.
Exam Duration
The length of an AP exam varies from nearly three to over four hours. Please take this into account when making after-school plans. Per College Board regulations, all students must remain in the exam room through the length of the exam. All students are dismissed at the same time at the culmination of an exam. THERE ARE NO EXCEPTIONS TO THIS RULE!
Plan ahead for athletic events, academic contests and/or after-school jobs. If you have an afternoon exam you typically will not be done until nearly 4:00 p.m. Students who qualify for extended time for exams may have exams that last up to two hours longer than general administration.
Students with morning exams will be dismissed after their exam to eat lunch. Students with exams scheduled to begin at 12pm should plan on eating lunch prior to the start of their exam. Students with back-to-back exams will likely have a 10-15 minute break between tests. These students should bring a lunch to eat during the break.
Contact Us
Chad Thorp
Advanced Placement Coordinator
(952) 226-8675